
One Goal - Many Voices. Writing with 2030 in mind, representatives of civil society organizations, experts from science and research, business partners and individuals who are particularly committed to the issue are active in the fight against hunger. The exchange of ideas regarding the magazine's main focus is on the diversity of the participants.


Paul van Zwieten

Paul A.M. van Zwieten is Assistant Professor of Fisheries Management at the Aquaculture and Fisheries Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, with long-term experience in working in small-scale freshwater and marine fisheries in tropical regions in Africa and South-East Asia. His main research interest is in data and information requirements to evaluate fisheries resource use in data poor situations, spatial use of fisheries resources (fishing effort allocation) and fishing patterns (balanced harvesting). He currently works together with experts from Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, Ghana, Kenya and Uganda on the Small Fish and Food Security project.

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